Asheron’s Call February Community Letter

Turbine’s official Asheron’s Call website has been updated with a new letter to the community for the month of February. In it, we learn about new changes being made to inventory management, PvP, and more. An excerpt to follow:

Character Title Panel

In the January event we introduced the Friends Panel. In this month we have another exciting new feature we would like to introduce, which is the Title Panel. With this panel you will be able to change your character’s display title which is the title that other players see when they look at you any time you want to any title that you have listed in your Title Panel.

The first time you login after the February event goes live, the title you currently have will be automatically added to your Title Panel. Unfortunately, we previously had no way to track any titles that you may have gotten and discarded, so we are not able to automatically add any of your past titles. But any title you gain after this will be added into the panel, and will then be immediately available to use as your display title.

One really cool feature of the panel will be the ability for others to see how many titles you have when they ID your character. Like fishing skill or chess rank, you can turn this bit of information on or off through a Character Option.

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