Asheron’s Call 2 Preview @ VGM Fusion

A lengthy review of Asheron’s Call 2 has surfaced over at VGM Fusion. A snippet:

    Some of the most fun things to do in the game don’t involve kingdoms, combat, magic, or questing. It’s the little things that can really set a game apart. AC2 has a variety of those little things. You can learn the (dying) skill in your crafting tree, to develop an ultra unique looking character by dying your armor and clothing. Then there’s the music system. Though some wish it was even more developed, it’s still quite entertaining. While looting some of your kills you may stumble across a (lute) or a (flute). These can be used to play songs. There are several different songs you can play, activated by typing commands into the command window. The unique part of this is that, there are many instruments, all playing a certain part or component of the song. Sure the song sounds good as it is on your bass that you found, but imagine if you had a lute, or an other instrument to go along with it, fleshing out the song. It’s quite entertaining, and large (concerts) form at some of the larger cities. To accompany the music, there are also dances that people can do. You can regularly see a lone musician out in the wilderness playing a song, with passers by stopping to dance to his/her music. I’ve even tested it out myself, stopping to play a few bars, and in no time, I had 3 other adventurers doing dances all around me. Really brings a smile to your face when you can entertain your fellow players.
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