Asheron’s Call 2 Preview @ Review Outpost

The most recent Asheron’s Call 2 preview has been posted over at Review Outpost. As usual, a snippet:

    Character development in Dereth consists of a series of combat skill trees ala Diablo 2. As you gain experience you can increase those combat skills or choose new ones. There are three areas of combat skills, melee, ranged, and magic and you can train in a mix of each or focus on just one, but if you screw up in selecting skills you character isn’t messed for good, you can gain back XP by lowering that skill and putting it else where. The three races, Lugians, Tumeroks, and Humans, all have skills that are unique to that race. So with a combination of the crafting skills and the combat skills you can develop a quite unique character. Your character can join an Allegiance just like in the first Asheron’s Call and works pretty much the same way, kind of like an XP pyramid scheme. You can also form groups to go hunting with called Fellowships where you have a temporary leader and you all share in the XP.
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