Ars Magic: Years of Conquest Kickstarter Campaign Ends Unsuccessfully

While the concept looked fairly promising, it appears like it wasn’t enough to convince potential funders to back the Ars Magica: Years of Conquest Kickstarter campaign, which only managed to raise $92,848 in pledges of its $290,000, and therefore won’t actually get any money.

The developers at Black Chicken Studios still seem very grateful to the backers who supported the project though, as made clear in its final update:

31% Funded.

Sadly, this is not our hour.

First and foremost we want to thank each you, our patrons, for supporting our project. We didn’t make it, but you all certainly fought for us. Your help, comments, advice and discussions brought this project closer to reality, and you have our gratitude and admiration. Atlas Games, too, brought every gun to bear, and were the ideal partner for this project.

We have heard the chorus of pleas for a second try, and we would like to, we would really like to. However, we cannot commit to it- our budget for speculative projects is small, and easily exceeded by the costs of a new campaign: after all, we somehow doubt you’d want to see the same video and screenshots again! 😉

There may come a time when we are able to create an Ars Magica game with your help, but we reluctantly believe it will not be soon. Which is a tremendous pity, because we believe gaming needs new, unique role-playing experiences, with original mechanics, stories and settings. But then, we’ve built a company around that idea. It’s possible we’re biased. 😉

Once again: thank you all for everything! It’s been fun, educational and bittersweet, but it was an honor for the Team to work with you.

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