Aperion Cyberstorm Twin-Stick Shooter Release Trailer

Aperion Cyberstorm a twin-stick shooter developed by Bristol based indie developers APriori Digital has been in development for over four years. All that development time, but it’s now being released and will launch simultaneously on Steam, the Nintendo Switch and the Wii U on February 8th, 2018.

Up to five players can join in on the screen-filling bullet-flying combat. In Aperion Cyberstorm, players are challenged to fly through hundreds of maps across several game mods, using the ships huge variety of abilities and elemental effects to destroy their enemies.

Whether you’re playing as single player of with friends, there are three game modes . You’ll uncover a conspiracy in the Campaign mode, survive waves of enemies in the Onslaught mode and fight for the crown in Versus mode.

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Gameplay Features

  • Three modes of play: Campaign; Onslaught; and Versus
  • 1-5 player support in all modes
  • Campaign mode with ships, abilities, elements, and several difficulty levels to select/unlock
  • Onslaught mode with 16 maps of brutal challenge, with enemy    compositions specific to each map
  • 16 maps in Versus, with a further 16 to unlock through play across all modes
  • Optional AI players in Versus mode for constant five player battles
  •  Reverse controls, auto-activation of weapons and abilities, and scalable text for readability

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Jonathan Price, co-founder and designer said “Prototyping for Aperion Cyberstorm began development in October 2013 as a cooperative space shooter made with the XNA framework and in mid-2014 we decided to move the game from XNA to Unity. This then gave us the ability to bring the game to Nintendo Wii U. During the lifetime of the project, we have revised the release date more times than we would like. The reason for doing so is that we understand that the game may not make back its development costs, which is a reality that a lot of studios face, but we wanted to make a game we could be proud of and that can be played years from now by a variety of people of different abilities.”

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Jack David, co-founder and artist added “At aPriori we find joy in making games and we are delighted to finally be able to bring Aperion Cyberstorm to market this year. The development process has really been a case of life imitating art – as a studio we’ve enjoyed the ride and we hope gamers will enjoy their virtual ride when they get their hands on the code in February!”

Aperion Cyberstorm Screenshot 1

Aperion Cyberstorm will launch on Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Wii U and Steam on February 8th 2018 with Xbox One versions slated for later on this year.



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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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