Antigraviator Gets Free Update Crammed with New Features

Cybernetic Walrus, developers of Antigraviator a lightning-fast anti-gravity racing game, have recently announced a new update packed to the veritable brim of new features.

Antigraviator was released In May 2018, and like all good software developers they’ve been listening to what players think and changing things accordingly.

“The community gave us feedback on the game, and we listened. Pure mode gives players a new experience, highlighting even more just how fast the game really is. We will continue to support Antigraviator with the help and influence of the community.” Says Mike Coeck, CEO of Cybernetic Walrus

antigravitor screenshots

The update, amongst other things includes…

  • the highly requested ‘Pure Mode’ strips off all the traps and pick-ups leaving the player with a ‘pure’ racing experience.
  • don’t like the control system or how the keybinds are set-up? Well, now you can change them to suit yourself.
  • multiple camera views have been added. Players are now able to switch between two camera views, the regular cam and a cam a little further away so you see more of the track. Soon there’ll be a bumper-cam, stay tuned.
  • every track now has its own leaderboard.
  • Trustmaster Hotas support added
  • multiplayer now gives double the number of credits and divides them among all players instead of just the top players

Antigraviator Screenshot (3)

All that, plus the standard range of bug squishes and game tweaks. If you want to look at the full patch notes head over to the Steam community boards here.

Stay tuned for more Antigraviator news as and when we have it, right here at thezombiechimp.


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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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