Another SWG Combat Revamp Delay Q&A

GameInformer also had the opportunity to chat with LucasArts’ Haden Blackman to hear the producer’s side of the story concerning the Star Wars Galaxies combat revamp delay. Check it out:

Q: What were some of the features and additions that you guys mentioned when you first announced the Combat Revamp?

A: We never really talked much about it. It had to do with moving some numbers around and things like that so that we were balancing things like armor, which will get a complete overhaul. All of the moves and their associated costs will also get a complete balance path. We’ve talked really high level about those sorts of things. But we hadn’t really released any major details. I would say in terms of new features there wasn’t really anything promised and we can’t talk too much detail right now about the scope of the combat revamp because we’re just wrapping our heads around how we’re going to kind of increase it and what the scope will be. We have meetings all this week to discuss it so hopefully next week we’ll be able to start talking about it. We also really want to find ways to engage the community. We’ve been moving very, very fast and that’s something that people don’t seem to recognize. The pace of our updates has been phenomenal and we’ve been adding major new things to the game, like player cities, player vehicles, the whole Jedi Revamp. These are not easy tasks to undertake and they’re not done in a week. This is months and months and months of work. Because we’ve been moving so fast, we haven’t been able to engage the community to a level that we’d like to at each step. When we finish design docs and say this it the direction that we need to go towards and ask for feedback, that takes time as well. Once we get implementation done we need to get feedback on the implementation and that takes time as well. We really want to take the time to do that because the combat revamp and the Galactic Civil War Revamp literally have the potential to change the face of the game and we want to make sure that it’s a positive change. We really want to take our time on this and everyone in the community talking about the (schedule change) needs to realize that we never said when Jump To Lightspeed was coming out and that’s right around the corner. The fact that these are coming after JTLS doesn’t mean that they necessarily got pushed; it means that now you know when JTLS is coming out.

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