Another Pile of Equipment

This equipment update details several powerful items, including what is probably the most powerful halberd in the game, the Ilrazor of Sholg’Gliath. Additionally, you may want to check out the two bows and some of the rings, as they are extremely powerful as well.

Updated Pages: Amulets (includes Kluusar’s Bloodstone Amulet, Medallion of Lolth, and Necklace of Odoacer), Arrows (includes Quiver of Arrows of Speed, Quiver of Arrows +5, and Quiver of Blunt Practice Arrows), Daggers (includes Drow Dagger +5 and Elven Royal Dagger), Halberds (includes Halberd +5 and the Ilrazor of Sholg’Gliath), Hammers (includes Great Warhammer +4, Hammer of Martel, Light Hammer +2, and Light Hammer +5), Longbows (includes Bloodbow and Seethre’s Tongue), Potions (includes Potion of Blink and Potion of Protection From Poison), Rings (includes Dydimm’s Ring of False Hope, Fist of St. Cuthbert, Lens of Oghma, Ring of Calming, Ring of Hushing, Ring of Restoration, Ring of Souls, Ring of Whiskers, and Stillness of Dawn), Shields (includes Shield of House Starym and Sylmorrir – Shield of Power), Shortswords (includes Shortsword +5 and the Winter Blade), Slings (includes Sling +4), Staves (includes Quarterstaff +5), Wands (includes Wand of Magus and Wand of Resurrection)

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