Another Gargantuan Update

Whew, lots of work, but here’s another very large update for all of you to feast your eyes upon. This update includes *every* high-level ability available in the game (unless I missed one). It also includes three more very nice items that Cespenar can forge for you. Enjoy.

Updated Pages: Abilities (includes Aura of Flaming Death, Avoid Death, Earth Elemental Transformation, Elemental Summoning, Fire Elemental Transformation, Greater Deathblow, Implosion, Mass Raise Dead, Set Exploding Trap, Set Spike Trap, Set Time Trap, Summon Dark Planetar, Summon Fallen Deva, Summon Planetar, and Use Any Item), Priest Quest Spells (includes Implosion), Cespenar’s Forge (includes the Blessed Bracers, Improved Cloak of Protection +2, and White Dragon Scale), Bracers (includes the Blessed Bracers), Cloaks (includes the Improved Cloak of Protection +2), Scale Armor (includes the White Dragon Scale), Scimitars (includes the Spectral Brand +4)

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