Another Dragon Age: Origins Patch Coming Soon

Just when you thought BioWare might stop supporting Dragon Age: Origins and its Awakening expansion, community facilitator Victor Wachter stopped by the official forums to give us a brief update on where the next patch stands.

Hello all,

We know that you have been wondering about the status of Dragon Age and upcoming fixes that we will be patching into the game in the future, and so we wanted to deliver an update to the community on the topic.

Since the game’s launch, we have been tracking and prioritizing the issues that you have encountered and posted about in the forums. We’ve created a comprehensive list of these issues and have been hard at work fixing those that are the most critical to your game.

But we also wanted to make sure that you knew the status of these bug fixes and what you can expect to see resolved when the game update is finally released. So, starting with this post, we will begin listing those details. We won’t reveal the full contents of the update, as many parts are still in testing and may or may not make it in. But with this first post, we wanted to assure you that many of the top issues you may have encountered are a part of the update and will be resolved.

The following items are just a small set of fixes that will be included in the update. We know that these are some of the most discussed issues, so we wanted to make sure you knew that they would resolved.

‘¢ Game saves on Xbox 360 were being corrupted if you sold too many items to the same merchant. Saves will no longer be corrupted if you do this.
‘¢ Daggers will now properly assign the dexterity-based damage bonus.
‘¢ Updated audio drivers to fix a number of audio related crashes.

Keep watching for additional details. We’re packing a lot in this update and have more to reveal!

We can’t give you a timeframe just yet. Our goal is to release these fixes in the shortest time possible, but we also want to make sure that this update is high quality and doesn’t create any new problems. That process will take time, but we will revisit this topic until then with updates to let you know new items that have been resolved or added to the list.

These fixes are driven by your feedback, and we will keep watching the forums to find issues that we could resolve. What we’ve listed are not the full patch contents, but things we knew that you were most concerned with and wanted to let you know about.

And with all that said, thank you for your feedback and for helping us identify the parts of the game that needed resolution. Keep watching for more details on the next update and sharing your thoughts!

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