Another BioWare Store Q&A

GameDaily has published an interview with BioWare’s Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk, in which the joint-CEOs answer several questions about their newly announced online store. Here’s a bit to get you started:

Q: Will BioWare’s online store eventually branch out by selling content for other games, or is it limited to Neverwinter Nights mods?

A: While we will initially be offering premium Neverwinter Nights modules at the BioWare Online Store, we definitely plan on expanding the content offered in the future. We are also considering additional content for BioWare-created and BioWare-owned intellectual properties, such as the heroic fantasy world of Dragon Age or the epic martial arts world of Jade Empire. We’re also quite interested in hearing from publishers or developers who would be interested in reaching a targeted audience of 2.2 million members in the BioWare Community by distributing content to them through the BioWare Online Store at

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