Anarchy Online Chat Loaf

Put yourself in-the-know by having a look at the latest word on the next major MMORPG set to come out, Anarchy Online. The recent House of Commons AO Chat was perfectly recreated and spiffed up nicely to ease that visual strain that can sometimes happen when reading those things. So visit’s chat log of the event. Here’s a Christmas-sized sweet doughy niblet on transportation with green and red sugar sparkles on top:

aogeneral: Tommy, can you tell us all the types of transportation?

Tommy: Ok. Since ECTS 97 we’ve promised subways. the subways I have described already. The preferred transportation is using a Whom-Pa. The NZX-9800 was nicknamed the Whom-Pa because of the characteristic sound it makes when people use it. Once you enter you get a Whom sound as your body disintegrates and a Pah! as you reappear at your final destination. They are almost instant and go to prearranged destinations. In addition to that there are some vehicles that go in specific patches around the planet like boats and cargo ships. There are also 2 other types of transportation that I will not cover. Oh .. and then there are some nano formulas that can take you places. And it is not riding worms .. heheh

Will there be grafitti on the subways? Can grafitti artist be a job profession?

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