Analyst: Mass Effect 3 Most Promising Retail Game

Citing “purchase intent and online media consumption”, video game research firm EEDAR has determined that of the titles on display at E3, BioWare’s Mass Effect 3 has the highest sales potential at retail.

“EEDAR has had strong demand from its retail partners to create an objectively quantifiable method to measure the commercial potential of games showcased at E3 2011,” said EEDAR’s Jesse Divnich, saying that its new report “highlights the collective activity of over 20 million consumers during the week of E3.”

According to EEDAR, Mass Effect 3 had the highest number of recorded page views among all tracked games. The firm says that its data indicates the game could sell in excess of 20 percent more copies than its predecessor.

“We are excited to see that there was such a high level of interest in Mass Effect 3 during E3, especially when you consider how many amazing games were on display at this year’s show,” said BioWare VP of marketing Patrick Buechner.

If I were them, I would’ve gone back and juggled the numbers a bit. Is anyone honestly expecting Mass Effect 3 to outperform Battlefield 3, TES V: Skyrim, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Uncharted 3 or Batman: Arkham City, all franchises with predecessors that blow the Mass Effect sales out of the water.

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