Aliens RPG Cancellation Confirmed

Obsidian Entertainment ex-designer David Kondor has updated his LinkedIn profile with a list of responsibilities he carried during development of the “canceled third-person action Aliens RPG”.

Designer for canceled third-person action Aliens RPG (Xbox 360, PS3, & PC)

— Responsible for the planning, layout, setup, and tuning of multiple large areas including a Vertical Slice
— Worked directly with a team of Animators, Artists, Sound Designers, and Writers to ensure consistent area vision and to maintain fun gameplay, visual storytelling, and the atmosphere of the Aliens universe
— Worked with other Designers to contribute to and improve on the vision of game
— Designed, Scripted and Balanced Major Combat Encounters and Boss Battles
— Designed, Implemented, and Iterated on Missions and Scripted Scenes
— Created and Iterated on initial Area layouts using XSI
— Worked with programmers to develop & improve on a new In-House Game Engine & Tools

Visual storytelling? Boss battles? Hmm.

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