Age of Pirates 2: City of Abandoned Ships Review

PopMatters gives us their take on Akella and Playlogic’s Age of Pirates 2: City of Abandoned Ships, though their general consensus and score of 4/10 jives with the other reviews we’ve been seeing.

There’s not that much more to say about AoP 2. It has a great deal of potential that’s for sure. It tries to dabble in so many things, it was almost a given that it would fail. To pull this off, you would need a studio with a mastery of most of these genres and the ability to really create unique experiences in-game. Again, none of this is executed in AoP 2. It’s an exercise in failure from gameplay and graphics to localization. Maybe Playlogic can polish this game and release a better version of the game. They have a lot of work ahead of them if they’re ever going to make Age of Pirates 2 a really quality title.

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