Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures Interview

CVG interviews Funcom Game Director Craig Morrison about the state of Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures and its upcoming expansion pack Rise Of The Godslayer. Amongst other things, Morrison reveals the Xbox 360 port of Age of Conan is still in production, though no word on when we might expect it.

Do you have any news on the 360 version of Conan?
We obviously had many more challenges than we envisioned getting our technology to adapt to the console platform. We are still working on it for the future, and we see it as a potentially valuable platform for our games. Whether we have missed a window for Age of Conan itself remains to be seen.

Do you think consoles will be able to deliver a genuine MMORPG experience?
Short answer, yes, the long answer is probably worthy of a whole discussion piece… There are many challenges inherent in the platform that many MMO developers haven’t mastered yet.

I think as an industry, though, that we will find a way to make our games work on the console platforms. It is currently an untapped market, but as time goes on I think we will start to find good solutions to the challenges that we face there. There are enough people exploring it and working on it that I am confident we will start to see more cross platform MMO titles.

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