Adventure Pals now on Kickstarter

Have you ever wanted to explore strange and exciting worlds with your giraffe friend and pet rock? If the answer is yes, then this is the game for you! The Adventure Pals is a brand new game created by the wonderful people at Massive Monster. But, even more exciting, it now has its own Kick-Starter campaign.

Who is Massive Monster?

Well, besides from being an adorable fluffy creature, they are a game developer team. They originally made Adventure Pals as a Flash game available on Armor Games. Regardless, it had some great game play for a browser-based game alongside a beautiful art style. This is not the first game that Massive Monster have been involved in. They have also made several browser games including Sushi Catapult, Give Up 2 and, of course, the original Super Adventure Pals. Made in conjunction with Armor Games, it is clear this is not their first rodeo. However, this is their first full release game on Steam and hopefully other platforms in the future.

Jay Armstrong on Adventure Pals Kickstarter

I was able to contact co-founder of Massive Monster, Jay Armstrong, to ask him his thoughts on this wonderful milestone. “It has been a very long and tumultuous 3 years and we’ve all been through a lot to get here. So, to see the game on Kickstarter, and to see the overwhelming response we’ve had for it is truly humbling.” Jay went on to explain how this has helped to realise they weren’t wasting their time. The fact that so many people have been behind this from the start has made the last three years worth it.

He continued, “I think the best thing about this so far has been to see the rise of the community around the game. It’s the thing I’ve been most excited for, to put the game in to someone’s hand and say – ‘How can we do better?'” Jay has always wanted the fans to give their feedback so that they can continue to make the game the best it can be. They wanted to make the game revolve around the player and make it a game that can be relatable to so many.

However, the game that we will be receiving is not what it started out as. “In our first version,” Jay explains, “the hero was actually a dungarees wearing plumber who jumped on mushrooms on his quest to save a princess. Then we heard some other game had already done that.” Personally, I think it is a completely original idea. Regardless, they went back to the drawing board. Now, they have implemented a young hero (minus the dungarees and moustache). They have also added, “towns, a free-to-explore over world, quests, levelling,” and much more. They have even added a local co-op version so you really can adventure with your pals!

So, what comes next?

After so much work, I asked Jay what happens after Adventure Pals

“After the Adventure Pals comes out we are planning to fill a Jacuzzi with champagne and just kick back. Just kidding! We are only just getting started.” Of course, on a more serious note, they have so much more to come. They want to take the Adventure Pals to other platforms as well as working on a brand new game. Be assured, there will most definitely be more from this Monster company.

But, in order to release the Adventure Pals, they need all the support they can get. So if you are the adventuring type, then head on over to their Kickstarter (link below) to give them a hand. Massive Monster deserve a lot of love, I’m expecting great things from our fluffy friend. Get involved and be a part of a great community. Happy Adventuring!

Support the Adventure Pals!

Click the link below to show your love and support:
The Adventure Pals Kickstarter – A Story of Love, Giraffes and Hotdogs

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I've always had a passion for games and, since I found my passion for writing, I wanted to write about them. I'll play just about anything if I can get my hands on it. I have an unhealthy obsession with all things Star Wars and my motto is "Never apologise for being a nerd."

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