Aderyn’s Cradle IndieGoGo Campaign Launched

We’ve been hearing about the ambitious first-person RPG entitled Aderyn’s Cradle (or Cradle for short) for well over a year now, and despite its unsuccessful Kickstarter campaign, the team at Mojo Game Studios has launched an IndieGoGo campaign seeking a very reasonable $40,000 in funding over the next 30 days that makes us think that the game just might materialize yet. Check out the following campaign video and accompanying combat trailer to see if it’s something you want to toss some money at:

And here’s a quick summary of said combat system from the campaign:

Aderyn’s Cradle is a first-person action/adventure role playing game (RPG) with a unique combat system. There will be six weapons available for each of the five character classes, and each weapon has a unique set of attacks. This grants each class a well-rounded strategic toolbox to set up a multitude of combos and fighting styles suited for the player’s chosen character class. A large variety of possible battlefield scenarios exist in Cradle. An intuitive, yet intricate aiming/blocking/parrying system prevents fighting from becoming monotonous and repetitive, even allowing the player to throw fakes like a true duelist.

On top of all of this, Aderyn’s Cradle features a groundbreaking, fast-paced system for melee combat called RealFight Combatâ„¢. The system uses deterministic animations, which execute different animation sequences depending on where the player aims on an opponent, and what type of opponent is being faced. The amount of damage dealt is dependent on the location of a successful strike rather than randomly generated values. The system is easy to pick up, but challenging to master.

Combat in Cradle requires the use of strategically applied augments (weapon and armor upgrades), weapon choices, attacks, and movements. Augments will be unlocked as the player progresses through the game. Weapon and armor customization through augmentation keeps fighting visually stunning and makes it a magical experience.

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