Additional Arcanum Features

With Arcanum just days from release, Troika sent out a press release, which is posted up over at RPGVault. In it, they reveal that they’ve been enhancing the game during the last few months while the language translations were being done, and that these enhancements will be available in a patch within the first week of its release. What new features can we expect?

    Full Screen – We’ve added the ability to toggle the interface off and on via a hot key, enlarging the playable area

    Inventory Right Click Feature – You can now quickly buy and sell items, loot bodies, steal things and use items simply by right clicking on them

    Improved Follower Lock Picking Abilities – Your followers no longer need their own set of lock picks in order to help you out and will interrupt you and take over if their skills surpass your own

    Improved Weapon and Armor Feedback on Followers – Now when you look at weapons and items wielded by your followers, they will display attributes based upon your followers magick/tech aptitude, not your own

    Video Memory Usage Enhancements – We tweaked the code so that Arcanum will make better use of video memory, especially on cards with larger caches

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