AD&D Humor

Heheh, not something I usually post, but since we have a pretty good thing going with our AD&D pages and I was doing a little surfing, thought some of you might enjoy these. Download ’em if you feel like laughing. Thanks go to Mairelon for introducing me to these hilarious MP3’s.

There’s a download page at PlanetADnD with 3 MP3 files. You’ll want to download them in the order listed, which is, then the sequel to that, the_dead_alewives_dnd_2 only they forgot to add the .zip extension so after you download it, just add “.zip” to the end, and unzip as usual. The third’s a song that’s amusing but not nearly as funny.

Secondly, while you’re downloading, and download you must, here’s another off that page that was pretty funny. The 28 Types of Game Master. Anyone who’s pen & papered or can imagine pen & papering will get a kick out of this. Here’s a sample:

13) Poker Face – “The slave you rescued courteously accepts your offer to accompany you and thanks you for your trust in her . . .”

14) No Poker Face – “The slave you rescued, hee hee, courteously accepts your offer, snort, to accompany you and thanks you for your trust in her, hah hah . . . boy are you gonna get it now . . . giggle”

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