Ad Personam Interview

RPGDot has once again conducted another one of its “Ad Personam” interviews, and this time it’s with Ion Storm’s Warren Spector. Check it out:

Q: Please tell us who you are, what you do and about your career history.

A: My name is Warren Spector. Currently, I run Ion Storm, the game development studio that created Deus Ex and is currently working on Deus Ex: Invisible War and a new game in the Thief series. Prior to that, I worked in the papergame business, first at Steve Jackson Games (1983-1987), then TSR (1987-1989); in ’89, I got a job at Origin, producing computer games; left there in 1996, when I joined LookingGlass; left THERE in 1997 and started the Ion Storm Austin office. I’ve produced or directed something like fifteen electronic games and before that worked on more boardgames and roleplaying games than I care to recall!

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