A World of Warcraft World

The guys at Pointless Waste of Time have written an article entitled “A World of Warcraft World”, in which they speculate as to just how far MMORPGs will be taken in the future. The author offers some disturbing possibilities, many of which will most likely happen in the decades to come:

Total immersion, the kind that could really fool you, won’t happen tomorrow. But as time goes on it is absolutely inevitable that the graphics will become life quality, that visual displays light years beyond monitors or cumbersome headsets will hit the market. The keyboard and mouse will be long gone, everything done by thought and voice. It is the logical end of everything game developers and console makers are trying to do today and they will not stop until they have it.

And that, my friends, will be a watershed moment in human history. The point where we can trick the senses into thinking a piece of software is real, thinking a real supermodel is in our bed or a dragon is in our front yard or our dead mother has come back to give us advice, that’s when everything changes. The metaverse will still be less important in many fundamental ways. Goods won’t be produced there, food won’t be grown there, babies won’t be born there. But in the minds of a whole lot o’ people, visits to the physical world will be just brief interruptions to the “real” world as they live it, the world where all of their friends and hobbies and ambitions are.

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