7 Fantastical Indie RPGs Worth Playing

Wired has put together a list of 7 fantastical indie RPGs worth playing, which includes the recently released roguelike Dungeons of Dredmor and Cthulhu Saves the World among others. Here’s a snippet on both:

Cthulhu Saves the World
Lovecraftian demon Cthulhu isn’t typical hero material. So when he finds out that the only way to regain his sealed powers is by performing heroic acts of good, he realizes that he might need to go find some help.

So starts Cthulhu Saves the World, a parody RPG by development team Zeboyd Games. Though it looks like an 8-bit game, it feels thoroughly new; the dialogue is snappy and battles are fast-paced. You can buy Cthulhu Saves the World (along with Zeboyd’s first game, the equally entertaining Breath of Death VII) on Steam for the whopping sum of $3.

“I can save any time?” asks Cthulu at the start of the game. “What is this, a first-person shooter?”

Dungeons of Dredmor

This roguelike dungeon crawler is filled to the brim with vast maps to explore and random loot to collect. It’s also irreverent, poking fun at enemies and objects through myriad humorous names and descriptions. Dungeons of Dredmor, which is $5 on Steam, allows your character to use a number of skills, from Assassination to Flesh Smithing. (“Other men work in clay, steel or wood,” the game says. “We call them squeamish.”)

For a good time, be sure to pray to Inconsequentia, the Goddess of Pointless Sidequests.

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