5 Ways an Expansion Could Make Guild Wars 2 Even Better

Forbes’ Erik Kain has penned a wishlist-type editorial for Guild Wars 2, in which he tries to come up with ways an expansion could improve on the framework of the base game.

Here’s a snip:

5. Multiple Storylines For Each Area For Each Race

Right now in Guild Wars 2 if you start as a Human you’ll play a Human-centric storyline. Only one main story will be available to you throughout the game, and the rest of your adventures will be dynamic events, exploration, heart quests, etc.

I think it would be better to have multiple available storylines available either right off the bat, or starting around level 10.

In other words, if you played a Human Warrior you could follow the Human Warrior story or you could travel to one of the other areas and pick up an a new storyline there.

One interesting way to design this would be to unlock a second storyline at level 10 that the player could choose. Then at level 20, the player could choose a third storyline from the remaining areas/races and so forth. This would basically allow for more variety and create an incentive to travel to other areas and follow branching quests.

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