5 Things You Should Know About Borderlands 2’s Next DLC

Kotaku is offering a list-type editorial/preview on Borderlands 2’s upcoming Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt DLC, with 5 things we should apparently know about it.

Here’s the most interesting thing, for me:

2. New Enemies. More Importantly: A New Enemy Behavior

The more appropriate difficulty scale is partly to do with new enemies, specifically one new enemy type. In Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt, you’ll be exploring a new continent called Aegrus full of mountains and swamps. But Aegrus doesn’t just bring a new aesthetic appeal; it’s riddled with new enemies, too.

The swampy greens and mountainous browns are overrun by savages. Savages are basically like bandits. They look like headdressed, tattooed, spear-and-shield-equipped bandits. They even evolve like bandits do when you don’t kill them fast enough. Midgets still jump up behind you while squealing in that adorably terrifying way. You know the one.

But these tribes of savages doesn’t behave exactly like bandits do. Because they’ve got a chief. Chiefs can heal their friends, themselves, and send out powerful attacks (fire or slag, for instance) to slash at your health bar.

Giving one enemy type this much power means one important difference for you: you’ll have to focus all of your gunfire on this target first, unless you want to unload your clip into a bandit-style savage only to see his health bar reset thanks to these pesky witchdoctor-types. They’ll buff their friends while debuffing you, which results in nasty effects like slowing you down.

Then there are big, flying things called Spores. They hover above you, dropping mini, kamikaze versions of themselves onto your head. Scaylions are Varkid-like, bug creatures. Together these new enemies make up what feels like a fresh Borderlands experience.

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