The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

Heroes Don’t Craft

Richard Cobbett has penned an analysis – more of a rant, really – of crafting in RPGs and other video games that comes to a simple, very basic conclusion: heroes don’t craft. Cobbett’s comical frustrations aside, many complaints in the piece…

The 50 Most Important PC Games of All Time

Starting in 1962 and running the gamut all the way to present day, the editors at PC Gamer have cranked out a list of what they feel are “the 50 most important PC games” to ever grace the platform. The…

Morrowind Modders Experimenting With Multiplayer

The folks at Rock, Paper, Shotgun have spotted a very interesting video test published by Stanislav Zhukov on YouTube. With the use of OpenMW, an open-source engine recreation of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind engine designed for ease of modification,…

Bethesda Game Studios Opens New Office in Montreal

Given recent discussions about whether Bethesda’s team is big enough to handle the development of their huge games, the news that they opened a new office in Montreal with a team of 40 developers is undoubtedly very interesting. The new studio is…

The Evolution of The Elder Scrolls

PC Gamer’s Jody MacGregor has produced a retrospective look at The Elder Scrolls series, which focuses on the five main titles and ignores the various spin-offs, up to and including The Elder Scrolls Online, an MMO developed by ZeniMax Online…

Eight of the Greatest RPG Franchises of All Time

Mass Effect, Fallout, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Pokemon, Baldur’s Gate, Final Fantasy, Ultima, and The Elder Scrolls round off The Escapist’s list of “The Greatest RPG Franchises of All Time”. There are some glaring absences, but I…