The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

RPG Codex’s Top 5 RPGs of the Decade

The staff members over at RPG Codex have built upon their previous “RPG of the Decade” article by recognizing what they consider to be the five most notable role-playing games of the past ten years. Starting with #5 and moving…

Bethesda Softworks Interview

The editors at MCV UK chatted up Bethesda’s Pete Hines during his European tour about a variety of topics related to Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Hunted: The Demon’s Forge, and The Elder Scrolls. A couple of excerpts: Fallout 3…

Bethesda Softworks Expands in Europe

Bethesda Softworks sent out a press release this afternoon announcing that they’ve opened new offices in Paris, France and Frankfurt, Germany.  Preparing for the future, I suppose: BETHESDA SOFTWORKS EXPANDS GLOBAL OPERATIONS Bethesda Softworks Opens Offices in France and Germany…

Bethesda Softworks Online Store Relaunched

Those of you who have been waiting to purchase DLC for the PC version of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion should be happy to hear that Bethesda has relaunched their online store and directed the previously defunct Oblivion Downloads website…

How CRPGs Warped My Brain, Part Four

Tales of the Rampant Coyote’s Jay Barnson once again summarizes what he’s learned from several CRPGs, though this time most of the games he profiles are somewhat recent. Fallout, Fallout 2, Baldur’s Gate II, Vampire: Redemption, Vampire: Bloodlines, Wizardry 8,…

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, Resurrected

I know we have a lot of readers that have heavily modified their installations of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind over the years, but I thought I’d point out this twelve-step process over on the Morrowind Expanded blog for anyone…

A Brief History of Bethesda Softworks

The people over at Spawnio have penned a short editorial that briefly covers the history of Bethesda Softworks, from their early days of starting the Madden franchise to their move to the post-apocalyptic wasteland: One of Bethesda’s early major accomplishments…

The Elder Scrolls V Wish List

The folks over at Platform Nation have kicked out a list of additions and tweaks they’d like to see Bethesda implement in their next installment to The Elder Scrolls. Assuming there will be another non-MMO installment, anyway: A return to…

Xbox Live Being Discontinued For Original Xbox Games

Xbox Live general manager Marc Whitten has issued a statement that Microsoft will be discontinuing Xbox Live service for the original Xbox and its extensive library of games. One would assume this means that we’ll no longer be able to…