Mass Effect 3

BioWare New IP Won’t Be Announced Any Time Soon

Speaking with the folks at GameInformer (as reported by GameSpot), BioWare general manager Aaryn Flynn confirmed what many of us were probably already suspecting: the new BioWare IP that was teased a few years back won’t be announced any time…

Mass Effect 2 and 3 Now Backward Compatible on Xbox One

By way of a brief tweet, Xbox Live’s Major Nelson has brought word that the Xbox 360 versions of BioWare’s Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 are now playable on the Xbox One console, thanks to backwards compatibility and…

Richard Cobbett on RPG Artbooks

The latest installment of Richard Cobbett’s RPG-focused weekly column for Rock, Paper, Shotgun is dedicated to artbooks. While by no means comprehensive, Cobbett offers examples of artbooks for RPG series that he has found interesting throughout the years. An excerpt…

Mass Effect Series to be Remastered?

While this article on GameInformer doesn’t provide a confirmation of any kind, they offer reasonable evidence from a conversation with EA’s Patrick Soderlund at this week’s Gamescom to think that the publisher (and BioWare, of course) may be planning to…

BioWare Forums to be Shuttered

A post on the official BioWare blog brings word that the EA-owned developer intends to shutter their long-running forums on August 26th of this year. I can’t say that I spent more than a brief period of time on the…

The History of Mass Effect

GameSpot has published a new video that charts the history of the Mass Effect franchise, from its beginnings as Project SFX, a pitch from Casey Hudson that included heavy online elements that would end up being dropped, all the way…

The Rising Maturity of Video Games

Using Mass Effect and The Witcher series as two particular examples, the editors at OnlySP have editorialized about “the rising maturity of video games” and why that’s ultimately a good thing for all of us if the creators handle the…