Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3 E3 Trailer

EA’s website has some exclusive content on its upcoming products, including a new trailer for Mass Effect 3, which shows a live action sequence of the news reporting on the Reaper invasion.

Mass Effect 3 Preview

IGN isn’t done writing on Mass Effect 3 just yet, as the editors there have put online the second part of their preview, this time focusing on choices & consequences. There’s actually very little info on the game proper, but…

The Big Role-Playing Games of E3 2011

Kotaku has put online a list of what they consider to be ” the biggest role-playing games of E3 2011″, which doesn’t contain many surprises, but should serve as a good refresher of what we’ll be able to see at…

Mass Effect 3 Preview

In one of their pre-E3 previews, IGN goes hands-on with a playable demo of BioWare’s Mass Effect 3. If you’re wondering how the game’s RPG elements will fare, the opening line sets the tone: “Mass Effect 3 plays like a…

Mass Effect 3 and Sexuality

In one of their “Objection!” pieces, Kotaku’s Mark Serrels and blog writer Adam Ruch discuss the recent announcement made by Casey Hudson on his Twitter account that Mass Effect 3 would feature gay romances for male Shepard and the subsequent…

Storytelling in Games, Part One

The editors at IGN have penned the first part of a feature called “Storytelling in Games” where they quiz “some of the biggest name in gaming” about, you guessed it, storytelling in games. The theme of this first part is…

Famous Figures in Gaming 101: Urdnot Wrex

Australian website TheVine has doled out another one of their “Famous Figures in Gaming 101” features, and this time they’re spotlighting Urdnot Wrex, the tough-as-nails Krogan from the Mass Effect series. Wrex is at The Citadel to take out a…