Mass Effect 3

BioWare Sound Design Video Interview

The Vancouver Film School has uploaded a nearly nine-minute video interview that they recently conducted with BioWare’s Rob Blake, Mark Darrah, Jeremie Voillot, Jordan Ivey, Patrick Biason, Steve Bigras, and Joel Green about the challenging sound design work they’ve done…

Five Things That Could Kill Mass Effect 3

While we’re still months away from the release of Mass Effect 3, the editor of Atomic have put down a list of five things they are worried could kill the game. It’s not a particularly in-depth or extensive list, so…

Mass Effect 3 Interview

BioWare’s official blog is hosting the results of a lengthy interview that their social media coordinator conducted with Mass Effect 3 producer Jesse Houston. Topics include the effects of our decisions in ME1 and ME2, the classes we can play…

BioWare Pulse Episode #59

The folks at BioWare give us a tour of the “horrifying enemies” we’re going to meet in Mass Effect 3 and the process behind their in-game implementation for their Halloween-themed 59th episode of BioWare Pulse, including a sneak peek at…

Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Previews and Interview

In addition to a hands-on preview of Mass Effect 3, has cranked out an interview with BioWare Edmonton’s Aaryn Flynn about the game’s newly added co-op multiplayer. An excerpt from the latter: So, are there any RPG elements that…

Mass Effect 3 Co-op Screenshots

To complement the many multiplayer previews that are permeating the web this morning, EA and BioWare have released four new screenshots depicting Shepard and a human-controlled crew dealing with enemies in a cooperative manner. Head over to our image gallery…