Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3 Has Gone Gold

Executive Producer Casey Hudson has announced via twitter that Mass Effect 3 has officially gone gold, in a timely fashion as the release is early next month. After an awesome effort by our team, I’m proud to announce #MassEffect3 is officially…

Mass Effect 3 Demo Impressions

A couple of websites have managed to get their hands on the Mass Effect 3 demo a few days early (possibly by going through these steps), so it comes as no surprise that we’re already starting to see some hands-on…

Mass Effect 3 FemShep Friday Begins, Trailer

The Reapers are here, and it’s up to Commander Shepard to stop them. But to make sure that we never forget that it’s a female Shepard stopping the invasion in millions of ongoing campaigns out there in the world, BioWare…

Mass Effect: Infiltrator Screenshots

If these first three screenshots are anything to go by, it looks like Mass Effect 3’s iOS-powered tie-in, Infiltrator, is shaping up to be a fairly ambitious project. Unfortunately, while we know that guns, robots, and lasers will be featured…

Mass Effect 3 Interview

IncGamers has an interview with BioWare’s associate producer Mike Gamble on the upcoming Mass Effect 3, which includes questions about the balance between gameplay and story, how action heavy the final product will be, accessibility, the presence of “major changes”…

Mass Effect: Infiltrator and Datapad App Revealed

Both Kotaku and GameSpot are reporting that EA and BioWare will be releasing a new game called Mass Effect: Infiltrator on Apple’s iOS “very soon”, and that it will “impact the Galaxy at War mode” and “unlock exclusive weaponry” in…