Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3 Reviews

We kick off the start of a new week with another batch of Mass Effect 3 reviews, most of which come to us from our European friends now that they’ve had a full weekend to spend with the game. WorthPlaying…

EA Responds to Mass Effect 3 Day One DLC Allegations

Over the weekend, someone posted a video to YouTube demonstrating how Mass Effect 3: From Ashes’ Prothean companion could be unlocked and utilized with all of his dialogue banter simply by changing a single line of code in a vanilla…

Mass Effect 3 Interviews

It looks like I missed a couple of pre-release Mass Effect 3 interviews from earlier in the week, but since a lot of people have yet to play or finish the game, I figured they were still quite relevant. First…

No Souls Were Sold: An Insider Perspective on EA’s BioWare

VideoGamer is offering up a fascinating three-page read that not only chronicles BioWare’s founding in 1995 to their 2008 acquisition by Electronic Arts, but also provides commentary from some of the studio’s (former) veteran employees who were there when EA…

Mass Effect 3 Editorials

There are a couple of new Mass Effect 3-related editorials awaiting your attention this afternoon, including a piece on “ludonarrative dissonance” penned by our very own Eric Schwarz over at Gamasutra: Mass Effect 3 is all about war. The massive…

Mass Effect 3 Ships Over 3.5 Million Copies

EA kicked over a press release this morning announcing that over 3.5 million copies of Mass Effect 3 have been shipped during its launch week, and apparently that makes it “the biggest entertainment launch of 2012” thus far.  Coupled with…

Mass Effect 3 “The War Begins” Trailer

To herald the release of Mass Effect 3 in Europe, EA and BioWare have released an impressive new “The War Begins” trailer that showcases many of the accolades the game has received since its release here in North America.  This…

Mass Effect 3 Reviews

I’ve been rummaging through the web for additional Mass Effect 3 critiques for most of the morning, and am finally ready to share the results in our third review round-up for the game. GameSpot gives it a 9.0/10: Mass Effect…

Mass Effect’s Tali Unmasked, Fans Angry

Gamers have been clamoring for years for BioWare to give them a glimpse of the face that lies behind the environmental mask that Tali’Zorah nar Rayya has been wearing since the Mass Effect series began back in 2007. And, apparently,…