Mass Effect 3

BioWare Talks Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut DLC

The Penny Arcade Report has a feature on a PAX East Mass Effect 3 panel where apparently, among other things, the upcoming Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut free DLC, made to provide “clarity” and “closure” to the title’s negatively received…

Mass Effect 3: Resurgence Pack DLC Released

Between two Twitter entries from BioWare’s Michael Gamble (here and here) and a post on the forums from BioWare’s Chris Priestly, we know that Mass Effect 3’s free Resurgence Pack DLC is now available for automatic download. A quick refresher…

Mass Effect 3 Patch Released on PC

According to a tweet from BioWare producer Mike Gamble a Mass Effect 3 patch has been released on PC in North American territories and will reach Europe later this week. According to BioWare’s official blog the patch should be released…

Mass Effect 3: Resurgence Pack DLC Teaser Trailer

To give us a better idea of what to expect from Mass Effect 3’s Resurgence Pack DLC when it’s released on April 10th, BioWare sent over a two-minute teaser trailer that showcases the new maps, new classes, and new weapons…

Mass Effect 3 ‘Curing the Genophage’ Interview

You don’t see interviews focused on specific plot points or missions too often in the gaming press, so it’s certainly interesting to read this spoiler-laden piece from Badass Digest with senior designer Dave Feltham, senior writer John Dombrow and senior…

Mass Effect 3: Resurgence Pack Coming Next Week

There have been quite a few rumors about a new set of multiplayer-related DLC for Mass Effect 3 that BioWare has been cooking up, and with this new press release we can finally put them to rest.  Mass Effect 3:…

Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut FAQ

BioWare has published a FAQ for the upcoming Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut free DLC on their blog, which tries to clarify what exactly the DLC is going to provide. While the information is still somewhat vague, here’s what we…

Careful, Modding Mass Effect 3 Gets You Banned From Origin

We’ve seen a fairly significant number of fan-created modifications for Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 over the years, but unfortunately BioWare has determined that they don’t want fans to tinker with any such modifications on Mass Effect 3. In…