Mass Effect 2

A Gay History of Gaming

IGN’s Keza McDonald has chosen to dedicate a large part of their gay history of gaming, an editorial devoted to cite examples of egalitarianism in video games and explaining why such depictions are important, to RPGs, including examples such as…

Mass Effect Historical Timeline

So that we can brush up on Mass Effect lore and the history that led to the events that will transpire in Mass Effect 3, UGO brings us a historical timeline that takes us through five separate eras: Pre-Council, Council,…

Mass Effect’s Commander Shepard, Off-Duty

If you’d like a glimpse into the life of Commander Shepard when he or she is off-duty and spending some leisure time on the Normandy, then you need not look any further than this new blog entry penned by BioWare…

Kaidan Alenko and Ashley Williams Read Their Horizon Letters

Those of you who have played through Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 (and actually paid attention to the storyline and your squad members) will recall that Shepard receives a letter from either Kaidan Alenko or Ashley Williams while visiting…

30 in 30: BioWare

BioWare is the latest developer to be profiled for CVG’s “30 in 30” series, with the the two-page article providing a brief history lesson for the Canadian company, overviews of two of its three founders, and summaries of three key…

BioWare Sound Design Video Interview

The Vancouver Film School has uploaded a nearly nine-minute video interview that they recently conducted with BioWare’s Rob Blake, Mark Darrah, Jeremie Voillot, Jordan Ivey, Patrick Biason, Steve Bigras, and Joel Green about the challenging sound design work they’ve done…

Mass Effect M-8 Avenger Assault Rifle Pre-orders Begin

You know that $650 M-8 Avenger Assault Rifle that was mentioned in BioWare’s post-NYCC report? Well, the company has since added a pre-order page to the BioWare Store for the spendy 1:1 scale replica, and the description points out that…

BioWare New York Comic-Con Report

BioWare was busy promoting all things Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and Star Wars: The Old Republic at last weekend’s New York Comic-Con, and that’s prompted community manager Jessica Merizan to kick out three separate blog posts (part one, part two,…