Mad World – Web Based MMORPG Coming to Steam This Fall

Jandisoft have just announced their plans to bring their web-based MMORPG Mad World to Steam. Playable on most platforms with a browser, the game will be cross-playable, inviting players from various platforms, from PC to mobile.

Clad in unique hand-drawn 2D art style, Mad World stays true to the classic MMORPGs but with a few tweaks. Leaving the MMORPG’s standard combat style, the game’s Target and Move style makes the combat more dynamic, and its classless weapon-based skill system gives more options when using skills.

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Mad World’s storyline is your standard ‘humans struggling against invading demons’ plotline. Though despite its fairly unoriginal story, Mad World provides many engaging story-driven quests while your actions and the choices you make throughout their journey impact how your character evolves, and how powerful they become.

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Mad World Features

  • MMORPG Powered-by HTML5. No installations.
  • Truly multi-player experience thanks to the cross-platform feature
  • Hand-drawn 2D art-style
  • Target and move combat style
  • Classless weapon-based skills
  • Battles against grotesque monsters and giant creatures
  • A dark and grotesque setting

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Jandisoft says “Bringing Mad World to Steam takes us one step closer to our goal to eliminate the barriers between the gaming platforms. We will continue to push HTML5 to its full potential , making the game available on as many platforms as possible. Meanwhile, we want to give fans a glimpse of where we want to head in in terms of the game’s settings and mood with a new teaser video. We want to innovate and differentiate ourselves in every aspect, from technology to gameplay, using HTML5 as a tool.”

Jandisoft are aiming for a Mad World Fall 2018 release, but if you want to find out more information or check out the Beta head over to We’ll be taking a look for ourselves to bring you our own opinions. So don’t go far!

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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