
Lionheart Timeline #7 @ RPGVault

The seventh installment of the Lionheart timeline, which chronicles the famine in Europe, the Black Death plague, and the Campaign of Joan of Arc, is now online over at RPGVault. A snippet: The plague came to Europe from Asia via…

Lionheart Screenie

RPGVault has scored another exclusive screenshot from Reflexive and Black Isle’s upcoming Lionheart.

Lionheart Traits @ RPGDot

Garrett from RPGDot let us know that they’ve posted their fourth Lionheart feature, which focuses on the character traits that will be available in the game. Here are a couple of racial traits to get you started: Wolf HideYou have…

Lionheart Screenshot

In addition to the new timeline segment, RPGVault has once again posted a new screenshot from Black Isle/Reflexive’s upcoming Lionheart.

Lionheart Timeline #6 @ RPGVault

The sixth installment of the Lionheart timeline, which chronicles part of the Disjunction, is now online over at RPGVault. An excerpt to follow: The tremors plaguing the lands began to occur less frequently as the century came to a close.…

Lionheart Perks @ RPGDot

The guys at RPGDot let us know that they’ve added a third Lionheart feature to their site, this time focusing on some of the perks that will be available to characters in the upcoming RPG. Here’s something to get you…

Lionheart Timeline #5 @ RPGVault

The fifth segment of RPGVault’s Lionheart timeline feature is now online, this time chronicling The Prophet Nostradamus and Expeditions to the New World. Check it out: In 1550, Nostradamus moved to Salon-de-Provence and began writing a series of prophecies, and…

Lionheart Screenie

RPGVault has once again gotten their hands on a new screenshot from Black Isle/Reflexive’s upcoming Lionheart.

Lionheart Preview @ AllRPG

The latest preview of Lionheart can be found over at AllRPG. An excerpt to follow: The battle system features the Special class feature. It will include brand new spells that have an early-century feel to them, a lot of perks…

Lionheart Preview @ Games Domain

Games Domain has posted a preview of Black Isle/Reflexive’s upcoming RPG, Lionheart. Here’s a teaser: Lionheart’s gameplay is planned to be very combat oriented, with an epic, linear story and hack ‘˜n’ slash gameplay reminiscent of Diablo, complemented with four-player…