Temple District – Lionheart Walkthrough

This guide gives a walkthrough for a portion of the Barcelona area in Lionheart. As a supplemental aid, the walkthrough includes a map of the area and a map legend.


1 – Inquisitor Mateo
2 – Observatory
3 – Inquisitor Dominguez
4 – Templar Armory
5 – Murder Victim’s Home
6 – Shylocke’s Building
7 – Cathedral
8 – Cathedral Guard
9 – Robbery House
10 – Machiavelli’s House
11 – Cervantes
12 – Fleeing Cathar


A. Exit to the Gate District.
B. Exit to the Sewers.
C. Exit to the Inquisition Foyer.


1 – Inquisitor Mateo

He’s searching for La Calle Perdida, the secret home of the Wielders. Even if you find the location and want to turn the Wielders in, Mateo won’t believe you.

2 – Observatory

The observatory is where you can receive the Stargazer perk (+1 perception), by looking through the telescope. It is also involved in a quest for DaVinci and a quest for the Wielders. To get inside, you have to bluff the guards. If you’re a member of the Inquisition or the Knights Templar, you can claim you have a right to be there. If you’re a Wielder, you can enter as soon as you receive a quest that requires you to be inside. If you want to get inside sooner, then with a speech rating of 35 you can claim you’re a part of the investigation, and the guards will let you pass.

3 – Inquisitor Dominguez

Dominguez will ask you to help him clear the “evil spirits” from the district. All you have to do is collect ten mana spirits to complete the quest. Then you’ll receive 250 experience, 35 gold, and 75 karma. (Note: This is the introductory quest for the Inquisition, but anybody can complete it.)

4 – Templar Armory

This is where you can find Sir Auric and receive some of the quests to become a Knight Templar. (See “Knights Templar” in the Major Factions section.)

5 – Murder Victim’s Home

Inside the home you’ll find a murdered woman on the floor, plus the victim’s “twin sister Maria” standing next to her. If you talk to Maria you’ll learn that she’s (he’s) really a Daeva. You’ll meet the Daeva again later.

6 – Shylocke’s Building

Shylocke will only appear in his building after you talk to him in the Port District Tavern. Then, once you complete Shakespeare’s quests, ask Shylocke about employment (you can get Shylocke’s quest before completing Shakespeare’s quests, but it might cause them to fail). He’ll give you a quest to collect Shakespeare’s debt. So amble back over to Shakespeare and intimidate him into giving up the money. Then go back to Shylocke to collect your reward of 500 experience, 300 gold, and the book Art of Barter (+15 barter).

7 – Cathedral

Inside you’ll find Lord Javier, who is only important for characters who join the Knights Templar. By entering the crypt at the far end of the room, you can also find the coffin of St. Bartholomew. If you don’t have any business with the coffin (it’s part of an Inquisition quest) then it will zap you if you touch it.

8 – Cathedral Guard

He’ll only let you enter the cathedral if you’ve been sent there by Sir Auric or Inquisitor Raphael.

9 – Robbery House

This is a house you must burgle if you want to join the Thieves. (See “Thieves” in the Minor Factions section.)

10 – Machiavelli’s House

Machiavelli will hire you to act as his bodyguard. Then when you leave his house, assassins will attack. If you can kill the assassins before they kill Machiavelli you’ll receive 250 experience and 150 gold. Afterwards, you can talk to Machiavelli to learn that he’s the one who tipped off the assassins as to your whereabouts, and you can use that information as an excuse to kill him (400 experience) or wring money out of him (200 gold).

11 – Cervantes

He’ll tell you that “la bestia” is stalking him, and then he’ll rush off to attack bushes and flames. When he reaches the cathedral, tell the knight there that you’ll look after Cervantes (the dialogue option only requires a speech rating of 15). To cure Cervantes, talk to him to get him to follow you, and then take him to Leonard DaVinci in his workshop in the Port District. You’ll learn that Cervantes stole a magical quill from DaVinci and summoned up “la bestia” with his writings. So you’ll have to go where he did the writing — near a windmill at the Barcelona Coast — to confront the beast. (Talking to DaVinci isn’t strictly necessary. If you asked Cervantes where he first saw “la bestia” during your initial conversation, you can skip DaVinci.) When you arrive at the windmill, Don Quixote (aka “la bestia”) will appear and claim that he is real. If your speech rating is at least 35, you can convince Don Quixote to merge back with Cervantes. Otherwise you’ll have to fight him. Once Don Quixote is gone, Cervantes will leave and you’ll receive 1200 experience, 250 gold, and Gauntlets of La Mancha (+1 luck, +2 AC, +4 to all four fighting styles, +1 to unarmed damage).

12 – Fleeing Cathar

When you approach the Inquisition building from the west for the first time, a Cathar will come running out followed by a couple Inquisitors. You can either tell the Inquisitors where the Cathar is hiding, or mislead them so the Cathar gets away. Mostly, you’ll only receive karma for this encounter. If you’re not an Inquisitor and you help the Cathar, you’ll receive up to 75 karma. If you’re an Inquisitor and you help the Cathar, you’ll lose 50 karma. If you give up the location of the Cathar, you’ll receive up to 35 gold.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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