Sanctum of the Master – Lionheart Walkthrough

This guide gives a walkthrough for a portion of the Fortress at Alamut part of Lionheart. As a supplemental aid, the walkthrough includes a map of the area and a map legend.


1 – Old Man / Chaos Dragon
2 – Summoning Globe Trap
3 – True Cross
4 – Galileo
5 – Leonardo DaVinci


1 – Old Man / Chaos Dragon

When you go through the portal, the Old Man will talk to you. If you talked to Nostradamus and Druj (aka the Weird Woman) about Asha (aka the Old Man), and if your speech rating is at least 180, you can end the conflict in one conversation. Otherwise you’ll have to fight Asha in the form of the Chaos Dragon.

If you have to fight, there are two things you should do right away: pick up the True Cross (+1 strength, +1 endurance, +10 to your combat skills, +10 to your Divine Fortitude branch), and turn on your find traps/doors skill. You should detect a “trap” to the west (#2) that allows the Old Man to continuously summon enemies against you. Acolytes will still show up from time to time to attack Galileo and DaVinci, but you can ignore them or attack them as you wish.

Killing the Chaos Dragon is pretty easy if you have a ranged attack. Then you can just stand on the spot where your cage used to be and fire away. If you have a decent fire resistance, you might not even need to quaff a healing potion. However, if you’re a melee attacker, things are more difficult. The Chaos Dragon will always hit with its melee attacks. So watch how the dragon attacks, and then rush in to hit it when it rears back to spray fire at you. Once the dragon “dies,” it will turn back in to the Old Man, who will then escape. Then you’ll get to watch the ending cut scenes.

2 – Summoning Globe Trap

3 – True Cross

4 – Galileo

Keeping Galileo alive is optional.

5 – Leonardo DaVinci

Keeping DaVinci alive is optional.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
Articles: 1987
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