Port District Tavern – Lionheart Walkthrough

This guide gives a walkthrough for a portion of the Barcelona area in Lionheart. As a supplemental aid, the walkthrough includes a map of the area and a map legend.


1 – Consuela the Barmaid
2 – Drunk Bar Patron
3 – Guiterrez
4 – Cortes and Shylocke
5 – Demokin Sailor
6 – Chest With Ale


A. Exit to the Port District.


1 – Consuela the Barmaid

If you’ve accepted the quest from Amir to find Ali Huban, ask Consuela for information, then ask about Ali Huban, and then ask about news for Amir. Consuela will reveal that she is Ali Huban in disguise (100 experience), and she’ll give you a letter to give to Amir. If your perception is at least 8, you can also notice that Consuela has “excessive lip hair and large muscular arms.” If you offer the observation as a compliment (which requires a speech rating of 35), Consuela will buy you a bottle of Serpent’s Bile.

2 – Drunk Bar Patron

When you talk to the drunk, he won’t make any sense. So get your character drunk (three ales will do it) and then try again. This time the man will sound perfectly coherent and ask you for some gold to buy more ale. Give him a gold piece and as a reward he’ll teach you the Drunken Boxing perk (+3 unarmed melee).

3 – Guiterrez

If you have a drink with Guitterez and tell him that you hope England wins the war and that you have an allegiance with England, he’ll ask you to meet him outside the city gates. When you do, he’ll inform you that his name is really Guy Fawkes, and that he’s a spy for England. Then he’ll give you two quests:

4 – Cortes and Shylocke

When you first enter the tavern, you’ll find Cortes and Shylocke arguing about money. Side with Cortes in the matter (or else Cortes will leave and you won’t be able to do his quests). Then, once Shylocke leaves, talk to Cortes to learn about his travels in the New World, about how he lost his arm, and about the treasure he found. You’ll receive a quest to help him acquire a mechanical arm.

So go to Leonardo DaVinci in his workshop and ask him about the arm. He’ll direct you to Eduardo the Blacksmith, who has a shop in the Gate District. Eduardo will tell you that he needs Red Ore to complete the arm, and that you can get some from the Lava Trolls in the Troll Pit in the sewers. So fight your way down to and through the Lava Trolls (you can’t talk your way past them), and pick up the Red Ore. Then give the ore to Eduardo (200 experience), who will give you gears and a rod for DaVinci (100 experience), who will give you the mechanical arm for Cortes (1500 experience).

With two functioning arms again, Cortes will be ready to search for his treasure. If your barter rating is at least 30, you can ask Cortes for an even share of the treasure and then receive more loot when you reach the treasure cave. The treasure cave can be found in Rio Ebro. Once you get close enough to the cave, Cortes will create a land bridge to it and then run inside and loot a chest. He’ll leave behind a gem called the Eye of the Dragon, plus perhaps some other objects. There are numerous other chests and hidden caches inside the cave, and you can also use the gem on the dragon skeleton to access another treasure room. The Book of Death (+15 to your Tribal Necromancy branch) can be found in that latter room.

5 – Demokin Sailor

6 – Chest With Ale

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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