Port District – Lionheart Walkthrough

This guide gives a walkthrough for a portion of the Barcelona area in Lionheart. As a supplemental aid, the walkthrough includes a map of the area and a map legend.


1 – Fish Monger
2 – Dead Body
3 – Debtor’s House
4 – Shakespeare’s House
5 – DaVinci’s Workshop
6 – Gomes’ House
7 – Marisol
8 – Crazy Man
9 – Dumb Thug
10 – Thieves in House.
11 – Fernand Desoto
12 – Juan Desoto (dead)
13 – Mute Sailor
14 – Duke of Medina
15 – Captain Isabella
16 – Inquisitor
17 – Bartolome
18 – Cathar Couple’s Home
19 – Benito the Thug


A. Exit to the Gate District.
B. Exit to the Port District Tavern.
C. Exit to the Sewers.


1 – Fish Monger

If you talk to the fish monger about his business, you’ll learn that he’s carving vodyanoi skulls for a living now. As a result, he’ll purchase skulls from you. If your barter rating is at least 20, you can get 50 gold for each skull. Otherwise you’ll only receive 25 gold. Eventually, the fish monger will only want to pay you ten gold for each skull, but if your barter rating is at least 70, you’ll be able to get 25 gold out of him.

2 – Dead Body

When you click on it, you’ll find some gold.

3 – Debtor’s House

You’ll have to visit this house for one of the Thief quests. (See “Thieves” in the Minor Factions section.)

4 – Shakespeare’s House

When you talk to Shakespeare, you’ll learn that he has two problems: that Shylocke has his muse, so he can’t finish his play; and that he also owes money to Shylocke. To solve the quests, you’ll obviously need to deal with Shylocke. If you haven’t met him yet, then talk to him in the Port District Tavern so that he leaves and returns to his building in the Temple District.

To complete the muse quest, agree to pay Shylocke 500 (or 300) gold to receive a key, and then use the key to unlock the middle (silver) chest on the right side of the room. The muse will go into your inventory automatically, and when you return it to Shakespeare he’ll give you the book Eloquent Works (+15 speech), and you’ll also gain 500 experience.

To complete the debt quest, you need to have a speech rating of at least 50. Then you can convince Shylocke that Shakespeare’s play will make a lot of money, and that he should give Shakespeare more time. When you give Shakespeare the good news, you’ll receive 500 experience.

If you’re a female and complete both quests, Shakespeare will attempt to woo you. If you accept his advances you’ll receive Shakespeare’s Ring of Promise (+1 charisma, +10 speech). However, after that every time you talk to Shakespeare he’ll want to kiss you, and you won’t be able to have a regular conversation with him. That means you won’t be able to complete Shylocke’s quest to collect Shakespeare’s debt (which is worth +15 barter).

5 – DaVinci’s Workshop

Ask DaVinci about his machines, and then ask him about his latest invention. He’ll tell you that he has plans for a repeating crossbow, but that he can’t get his steam engine to produce the necessary gears. So click on the steam engine and then pull the lever. The steam engine will talk to you, and if you give it a potion it will create the gears (100 experience). But when you give the gears to DaVinci (500 experience) you’ll find out he also needs a special lens from the observatory in the Temple District. When you retrieve the lens and give it to DaVinci, he’ll give you DaVinci’s Crossbow (same rate of fire as a longbow, +4 critical chance, +12% piercing damage), and you’ll also receive 1000 experience.

You can also use the viola organista in the workshop to teleport yourself to DaVinci’s secret chamber. Notice the toy horse on the eastern side of the room. If you click on it you’ll see that the horse was named Cecca. If you crank up the organista and then play the notes C-E-C-C-A in succession, you’ll arrive in the secret chamber (1000 experience) and be able to loot four chests. In one of the chests you’ll find the Scepter of Bone (+2 to all Tribal and Thought magic branches when carried).

6 – Gomes’ House

Gomes will offer to sell you a gem for 100 gold. If you have a barter skill of 25, you can negotiate the price down to 80 gold. You can also just kill Gomes for the gem, and, if you do that, you can then use your find traps/doors skill to detect a second gem in the house. You’ll need a gem for one of the Order of Saladin quests.

7 – Marisol

Marisol will ask you to rescue her brother Tomas from the sewers. You can find Tomas in the Troll Pit behind an illusionary wall. Once you free Tomas and return to Marisol, you’ll earn 200 experience.

8 – Crazy Man

He’s convinced you’re working for Satan, but nothing comes of the encounter. If you kill him you’ll receive 10 experience.

9 – Dumb Thug

He’ll accost you and demand gold, but he’s not very smart. If you talked to the crazy man (#8), you can tell the thug that the crazy man has gold, and the thug will walk over to him and kill him (25 experience, -5 karma). You can also tell the thug that there is gold in the ocean, and he’ll head to the docks to look for it. Lastly, you can just kill the thug (40 experience).

10 – Thieves in House.

11 – Fernand Desoto

He’ll run up to you and ask you to save his brother Juan, who has been dragged off by vodyanoi. If you agree to help he’ll give you a potion of healing. But you won’t be able to help the brother. He’ll already be dead when you arrive. So all you can do is loot some of his equipment and then report the bad news to Fernand (150 experience).

12 – Juan Desoto (dead)

13 – Mute Sailor

14 – Duke of Medina

15 – Captain Isabella

Talk to her about the Spanish Armada, and then ask about the upcoming battle and how the English use magic. Isabella should ask you to retrieve for her a Wind Scroll. You can find such a scroll at Weng Choi’s shop. Once you give Weng Choi a book for his collection, he’ll let you see his special stock, and the Wind Scroll (costing 0 gold) will be included in it. So buy the scroll and give it to Isabella for 500 experience and 50 gold.

16 – Inquisitor

You’ll find the inquisitor preaching to a group of tainted humans. Watch the dialogue until a sylvant citizen (#17) is whacked on the head and leaves north.

17 – Bartolome

Bartolome will only appear here after you’ve watched the conversation in #16. Then he’ll ask you to rescue his brother Renaldo from the Inquisition dungeon, and he’ll give you a potion to help you in your task. If your barter rating is at least 50, you can ask for a greater reward for your efforts, and Bartolome will offer you a family heirloom. You’ll find Renaldo in the Lower Inquisition Dungeon. When you give him the potion, he’ll escape and you’ll receive 150 experience. Then when you return to Bartolome you’ll receive 250 experience and 300 gold, plus perhaps the Boots of Arid d’Jinn (+12 speech, +12 barter, -3 one-handed melee, -3 two-handed melee).

18 – Cathar Couple’s Home

When you enter the home, the Cathar couple inside will demand that you leave. If you don’t, or if you respond aggressively, they’ll attack. Nothing comes of the encounter, but you will lose 75 karma if you kill them.

19 – Benito the Thug

Benito will attempt to rob you when you get close enough. If you refuse to be robbed, Benito and a few bowmen will attack you. The best way to approach the fight is from the north. Then if you back up when Benito approaches you, you can draw him away from his bowmen, making the fight easier. Benito is worth 99 experience and the bowmen are worth 72 experience each. Killing Benito fulfills the introductory Knights Templar quest, so if you haven’t done so yet, you should talk to Sir Auric in the Templar Armory in the Temple District, to receive an extra reward for your deed.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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