Montserrat Deep Chambers – Lionheart Walkthrough

This guide gives a walkthrough for a portion of the Montserrat area in Lionheart. As a supplemental aid, the walkthrough includes a map of the area and a map legend.


1 – Brother Montgomerie


A. Exit to the Montserrat Chambers.
B. Exit to the Grove at Montserrat. The beams blocking the exit will only go down after you speak to Brother Montgomerie.


1 – Brother Montgomerie

Once you’ve killed the snakebreeds in the area, Brother Montgomerie will let you know that the Crown of Thorns was stolen, and that you should seek out Brother Michel in Montaillou. Then, just before dying, Brother Montgomerie will mark the Duero Plains (looking like a pentagram in a circle) on your world map.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
Articles: 1987
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