Knights Templar – Lionheart Walkthrough

In this guide, players can find out how to join a Major Faction in Lionheart. All the factions have to be joined while playing through the Barcelona portion of the game.

When you speak to Sir Auric in the Templar Armory in the Temple District, you can ask him about joining the Knights Templar. He’ll be skeptical of your abilities, and so he’ll give you an introductory quest, to deal with Benito the Thug in the Port District. When you complete the task and return to Sir Auric (250 experience), he’ll direct you to talk to Lord Javier in the cathedral.

Lord Javier will first demand that you pay the faction 1000 gold (200 experience). That will make you a Squire (+5 HP, +4 one-handed melee, +4 two-handed melee, and +4 ranged weapons), and it will mean that you can’t complete any more quests for either of the other two major factions. So if you haven’t received the first quest from the Wielders yet (which leads to the woodcutter’s basement in El Bosque), you should do that first.

Once you pay the tithe, you’ll receive the following quests:

  • 1. Assist Sir Esteban at the Crossroads – Sir Esteban won’t mention the Knights Templar, but he will tell you about three dangers in the area. Once you remove them, return to Sir Esteban to get rewards from him, and then return to Lord Javier (200 experience). Lord Javier will direct you back to Sir Auric.

    2. Find the lost knight in the sewers – He’s on the Thieves Congregation level. Once you lead him out of the sewers, return to Sir Auric (500 experience, 200 gold). Sir Auric will then direct you back to Lord Javier (200 experience).

    3. Form a Lion Shield – To start off, talk to Eduardo in his shop in the Gate District. He’ll ask you to retrieve his sword (the Sword of Eduardo) from Felgnash in the sewers. There are a variety of ways (involving intelligence, charisma, race and more) for you to question the quest, and, if not get Eduardo to rescind it completely, at least get him to pay you for the effort. You’ll find Felgnash in the Hall of Beggars level of the sewers. If your speech rating is at least 50, you can get him to sell you the sword. Otherwise, you’ll have to kill him for it, and all the wererats will turn against you. (So, if you joined the Beggar faction, complete their quests first.)

    When you bring the sword to Eduardo (500 experience and maybe 150 gold), he’ll tell you that he also needs Magnetized Silver. You can find the silver in the caves connected to Scar Ravine. When you give the silver to Eduardo (500 experience), he’ll give you the Lion Shield (+10 AC, +10 crushing resistance, +10 slashing resistance, +15 piercing resistance, +1 crushing damage threshold, +1 slashing damage threshold, +1 piercing damage threshold, -7% attack speed, -10 unarmed melee). Then return to Lord Javier to complete the quest (2000 experience).

    4. Eliminate the Slaver Menace – You just have to kill the slaver captain in the Slave Pit area and then return to Lord Javier (1500 experience).

Completing the final quest will make you a Knight Warden, which gives you a (total) bonus of +5 HP, +1 endurance, +1 healing rate, +8 one-handed melee, +8 two-handed melee, and +8 ranged weapons.

Finally, you’ll receive a quest to protect the Crown of Thorns at Montserrat, but that quest is the same for all factions.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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