Goblin Warrens – Lionheart Walkthrough

This guide gives a walkthrough for a portion of the Barcelona Forests area in Lionheart. As a supplemental aid, the walkthrough includes a map of the area and a map legend.


1 – Rakeb the Shaman

2 – Plumdjum the Goblin Khan

3 – Secret Room

4 – Chest


A. Exit to the Goblin Camp.


1 – Rakeb the Shaman

If you’re friendly with the goblins, Rakeb will give you two quests. (If you’re with the Inquisition and have a quest to rescue Inquisitor Darsh, you’ll have to pay his ransom to get the second quest.)

2 – Plumdjum the Goblin Khan

The khan is Tawrich, the Daeva of Hunger. If you’re friendly with the goblins, and if you’ve killed the river dryad, the khan will ask you to kill Raylark in the Bounty Hunter Camp, and return with The Everlasting, his magical hammer. If you do, you’ll receive 250 experience and 200-700 gold. You’ll also receive the Goblin Champion title perk.

When you decide to kill the Goblin Khan, realize that the archers and shaman near the throne help regenerate his hit points. So take them out first (kegs of firepowder work well) and then attack the khan. Once he dies you’ll receive 1070 experience.

3 – Secret Room

4 – Chest

Inside, you’ll find the Poetry Book.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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