Gate District – Lionheart Walkthrough

This guide gives a walkthrough for a portion of the Barcelona area in Lionheart. As a supplemental aid, the walkthrough includes a map of the area and a map legend.


1 – Hrubjub and Bludjund
2 – Captain of the Gate Guard
3 – Order of Saladin Camp
4 – Dead Body
5 – Fake Wall
6 – Bonus CD Merchant
7 – Hector the Grumpy Port Guard
8 – Eduardo’s Blacksmith Shop
9 – Murder Victim’s Home
10 – Woman in a Blue Dress
11 – El Guapo’s House
12 – Closed Shop
13 – Quinn the Herbalist’s Shop
14 – Weng Choi’s Shop
15 – Squire Santiago
16 – Acolyte Garcia
17 – Gate Guards


A. Exit to the Crossroads.
B. Exit to the Temple District.
C. Exit to the Port District.
D. Exit to La Calle Perdida.
E. Exit to the Rich Merchant’s Den.


1 – Hrubjub and Bludjund

If you talk to Hrubjub and tell him you’re not a friend of the city guards, he’ll give you a quest to scout the city for him. To complete the quest, just walk inside the city gates and then return to Hrubjub (100 experience, -50 karma). If you don’t want to help the goblins, then you can either turn them in to the Captain of the Gate Guard (75 experience, 25 karma) or kill them (50 experience) and then report them to the Captain (50 gold, 25 karma).

2 – Captain of the Gate Guard

Talk to him (it doesn’t matter what you say) to cause him to open the city gates.

3 – Order of Saladin Camp

By talking to Amir, you can receive several quests that will allow you to become a Favored One of the Order of Saladin. (See “Order of Saladin” in the Minor Factions section.) You can become a Favored One and still join one of the major factions.

4 – Dead Body

Click on the body to examine it. You can report your findings to the Captain of the Gate Guard (up to 75 gold, 25 karma) and to Amir at the Order of Saladin camp. Amir will tell you that a Daeva probably committed the murder, and he’ll give you the Amulet of the Prophet (+3 AC, +4 slashing resistance).

5 – Fake Wall

The wall blocks passage to La Calle Perdida, the home of the Wielders. To get past it, first talk to Leonardo DaVinci (you can always find him in his workshop in the Port District). Ask him about Barcelona, then the factions, then the smaller groups, and then the wizards. Finally, ask him how you can find the wizards. He’ll direct you to speak to Quinn the Herbalist. Quinn (at location #13) will ask you to read from the book next to him (just click on it), and then he’ll give you the Wielder’s Charm (+5 mana). Just by having the charm in your inventory, you can click on and then pass the wall.

6 – Bonus CD Merchant

If you installed the bonus CD content, then this merchant will tell you how his sister Malihandra was kidnapped, and how she’s being held in the Rich Merchant’s Den just to the west. If you go into the den and rescue the sister, you’ll earn 500 experience and maybe some gold. You’ll also get to view the merchant’s special stock, which includes the Sword of Rigor Mortis Frost (1-8 slashing damage, 2-10 cold damage, 50% cold resistance, 15% chance of freezing undead for 4 seconds) and the Gauntlets of Hellfire (+25% fire damage, +5 fire damage threshold).

7 – Hector the Grumpy Port Guard

If your speech rating is 25 or higher, you can talk to the guard and learn how he was demoted to his current position for allowing the heretic Galileo into the observatory in the Temple District.

8 – Eduardo’s Blacksmith Shop

9 – Murder Victim’s Home

Inside the home you’ll find a murder victim (just like the one at #4). Eventually after discovering the body, a guard will appear and block the entrance into the house. You can talk to the guard and mention the woman who was hiding nearby (see #10), but nothing will come of it.

10 – Woman in a Blue Dress

The woman will seem afraid and run away when you talk to her.

11 – El Guapo’s House

El Guapo will demand all of your potatoes. Depending on your speech rating, you can either say you have potatoes just outside (20 experience) or that you can bring him loads of potatoes if he pays for a cart (75 experience, 2 gold).

12 – Closed Shop

If you click on the shop’s door you’ll learn that the shop was closed because the proprietor was trafficking in magical items. A nearby inquisitor will wonder at your curiosity, but nothing will come of the encounter.

13 – Quinn the Herbalist’s Shop

Quinn sells potions. If you join the Wielders then you’ll be able to see his special stock.

14 – Weng Choi’s Shop

Weng Choi sells a variety of goods. If you become one of his preferred customers, then you’ll be able to view his special stock, which includes kegs of firepowder. To become a preferred customer, ask Weng Choi who he is and what kinds of goods he sells, and then ask about his book collection. You’ll receive a quest to give him rare books. Once you give him one book, you’ll be able to see his special stock. When you give him eight books, you’ll receive Weng Choi’s Shaolin Secret perk (+20 unarmed melee, +20 evasion).

There are 11 books in the game. Three of them can be used to improve your character, and the other eight are only useful for Weng Choi’s quest. Here are the locations of the books:

  • Art of Barter (+15 barter), received as a quest reward from Shylocke in the Temple District.

  • Book of Death (+15 to your Tribal Necromancy branch), found in Cortes’ treasure cave in Rio Ebro.

  • Centuries, located in a secret room south of Torquemada in the Inquisition Chambers.

  • Eloquent Works (+15 speech), received as a quest reward from Shakespeare in the Port District.

  • History of the Crusades, located in a chest in Shylocke’s building in the Temple District. Sneak before opening the chest to prevent Shylocke and his goons from attacking you.

  • History of the Dragons, located in DaVinci’s workshop in the Port District (on a shelf on the left side of the room). When you click on the book it will fall to the ground, allowing you to take it.

  • History of the Fell Spirits, located in the Wererat Cave in the Slave Pit Exterior region.

  • History of the Inquisition, located in a chest next to Sir Auric in the Templar Armory in the Temple District. If you’re not a Knight Templar, sneak before opening the chest to prevent Sir Auric from attacking you.

  • History of the Necromancers, located in the woodcutter’s basement in El Bosque. If you’re planning to become a Knight Templar, you must start (but not finish) the first Wielder initiation quest to access the basement.

  • Poetry Book, located in a secret room behind the Goblin Khan.

  • Tome of Geomancy, located in a chest next to Brambles in La Calle Perdida.

15 – Squire Santiago

Santiago will tell you about Sir Auric and the Knights Templar.

16 – Acolyte Garcia

Garcia will tell you about Inquisitor Raphael and the Inquisition.

17 – Gate Guards

The guards won’t want to let you into the Temple District. There are a variety of ways to get past them. The easiest is to talk to Santiago (#15) or Garcia (#16) and then claim you wish to join the appropriate faction.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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