Burial Chambers – Lionheart Walkthrough

This guide gives a walkthrough for a portion of the The Crypt area in Lionheart. As a supplemental aid, the walkthrough includes a map of the area and a map legend.


1 – Secret Room
2 – Crypt with Revenants
3 – Secret Room with Two-way Teleporter to #4
4 – Two-way Teleporter to #3
5 – Two-way Teleporter to #6
6 – Two-way Teleporter to #5
7 – Mechanism


A. Exit to the Doomed Plateau.
B. Exit to the Crypt of the Lance.
C. One-way teleporter to the Crypt of the Lance. The teleporter will take you almost directly to the Bleeding Lance itself, so you should only use it (if you use it at all) after you’ve explored as much of the Crypt as you want to see.


1 – Secret Room

2 – Crypt with Revenants

3 – Secret Room with Two-way Teleporter to #4

4 – Two-way Teleporter to #3

5 – Two-way Teleporter to #6

6 – Two-way Teleporter to #5

7 – Mechanism

The mechanism lowers the wooden beams in the room.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
Articles: 1987
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