Barcelona Coast – Lionheart Walkthrough

This guide gives a walkthrough for a portion of the Barcelona Forests area in Lionheart. As a supplemental aid, the walkthrough includes a map of the area and a map legend.


1 – Cervantes’ Windmill
2 – Red Crystal
3 – Ghost of Captain Morales


A. Exit to the Crossroads.
B. Exit to Rio Ebro.


1 – Cervantes’ Windmill

2 – Red Crystal

All the red crystals in the game are the same. You can click on them three times, and each time a wave of undead creatures will appear: first brittle skeletons, then huge brittle skeletons, and finally lesser brimstone reavers. There isn’t any reward for using the crystals other than the experience and equipment from the creatures, so don’t click on them until you’re able to handle groups of undead units.

3 – Ghost of Captain Morales

If you talk to the ghost, you’ll learn that he was murdered by one of his crewmates. He’ll also say that there was a witness. So head back to the Port District and talk to the mute sailor. You’ll learn that he had his tongue cut out to prevent him from saying what happened, but he’ll indicate that a demokin sailor knows the answer, too. If you’re a demokin or have at least 5 perception, you’ll be able to recognize that the demokin sailor in the Port District Tavern is a demokin, and ask him about the murder. (If you don’t meet that criteria, you won’t be able to complete the quest.) At worst the demokin sailor will say that “she” did it, but you can also intimidate him into naming Captain Isabella directly (this requires at least 7 strength). Both answers work just as well.

When you confront Captain Isabella, she’ll admit her guilt. This will give you some options: you can convince her to turn herself in or you can keep quiet or you can turn her in to the duke (about 400 experience each), or you can bribe her for your silence (1000 or 2500 gold). As long as you don’t go to the duke, you can then talk to the mute sailor again and let him know that he is safe (100 experience, 75 gold, Potion of Extra Healing).

Finally, if you didn’t promise to keep Isabella’s secret, go back to the ghost of Captain Morales and tell him what happened (500 experience). He’ll tell you about a treasure he found next to the prow of the nearby rowboat. So turn on your find traps/doors skill to discover the treasure. It should contain gold, three potions, and an item.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
Articles: 1987
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