Legend of Grimrock

Legend of Grimrock: The Series Kickstarter Launched

Fresh off the success of Nuka Break’s two seasons, the Wayside Creations team have launched a Kickstarter campaign for a live action series based on the Legend of Grimrock universe, aptly called “Legend of Grimrock: The Series”. Not only are…

Legend of Grimrock: Master Quest Mod Released

The team at Almost Human has been really quiet over the past month, so while we await new details about Legend of Grimrock II, I figured I’d point you over to an ambitious new modification that revamps the original dungeon crawler with “tons of new puzzles,…

Legend of Grimrock II Announced

It looks like for a while not even Almost Human was sure what their Grimrock-related project was supposed to be, until a recent meeting stirred them in the right direction. As per their announcement, Legend of Grimrock is getting a…

2012: The Year in RPGs

For what is presumably his last WRPG-focused column of the year, Rowan Kaiser takes a look at the RPG genre and how it fared this year, new releases, re-releases, controversies, etc. Here’s a snip: March: Mass Effect 3 came out…