Legend of Grimrock

Legend of Grimrock Preview

While the label “preview” might be a bit of a stretch considering this isn’t coming from any kind of publication, it’s worth noting that Remedy Entertainment writer Mikko Rautalahti offers some hands-on impressions on Almost Human Games’ indie first-person dungeon…

Legend of Grimrock Gameplay Trailer

Tracking down secret doors, equipping items, using keys, and battling monsters with melee, ranged, and magic-based attacks are all demonstrated in this first gameplay trailer for Almost Human’s Legend of Grimrock. I am really digging the Eye of the Beholder…

Legend of Grimrock Media and Interview

There’s quite a bit of new information to bring you for Almost Human’s Legend of Grimrock today, including a new piece of concept art depicting the Uggardian, three new screenshots spotlighting the newly revised PC interface, a video of some…

Legend of Grimrock FAQ & Updates

Since the last time we checked, Legend of Grimrock’s team has been working hard on the indie first person dungeon crawler, and to update us on it offer a FAQ, some information on experience and classes, on the “Uggardian” and…

Legend of Grimrock Interview, Media, and More

It’s surprising to me that Almost Human’s Legend of Grimrock hasn’t shown up on our radar prior to today, as the indie dungeon crawler was announced over a month ago now. But thanks to a tip from Lady Vox about…