Legend of Grimrock II

Legend of Grimrock II Performance Optimization Blog

In case you’re interested in reading about he kind of performance optimization tweaks the Legend of Grimrock II developers are working on right now, you’ll probably want to check out their latest blog post. Here’s a snippet: Performance Profiler Some…

Legend of Grimrock: The Series Kickstarter Launched

Fresh off the success of Nuka Break’s two seasons, the Wayside Creations team have launched a Kickstarter campaign for a live action series based on the Legend of Grimrock universe, aptly called “Legend of Grimrock: The Series”. Not only are…

Legend of Grimrock II Skill System Detailed

The Legend of Grimrock II developers, Almost Human, have put out another blog update on their upcoming game. This time it goes into details about the expanded skill system used for the game – unlike the original, it will be…

Legend of Grimrock II Development Update: Puzzles

There’s a new blog post over at the official Legend of Grimrock website that focuses on puzzles and specifically describes one of the many ideas they have for the sequel’s puzzles: from its inspiration to the actual working prototype. Here’s…

Legend of Grimrock II Meet the Team: Jyri

There’s a new blog entry up on the official Legend of Grimrock II website this morning, and this time its purpose is to introduce us to the latest artist to join the Almost Human team, Jyri Ullakko. Here are a…