Jade Empire

BioWare Co-Founders Continue to Hint at a Jade Empire Sequel

Between the artwork that leaked awhile back, the LinkedIn profile of designer Rafael Jabulani Brown, and various anonymous sources, we already know that a Jade Empire 2 was in development and potentially cancelled at on time in BioWare’s history. During…

Jade Empire 2: The Sequel That Should Have Been

Arguing that the title deserved a sequel to fulfill its potential, the folks at Nightmare Mode started their “Sequels That Should Have Been” feature series with an installment dedicated to Jade Empire and how a possible sequel could have improved…

Top 5 Most Wanted Unlikely RPG Sequels

The editors at GameRanx have put together a top five of unlikely sequels to role-playing games that they’d nonetheless like to see. Unsurprisingly, many of the titles listed would probably pique the interest of our readers, like a single player…

BioWare Voice Director Interview

The Gaming Liberty offers an interview with veteran voice director Ginny McSwain, who is credited on a score of BioWare titles, including Baldur’s Gate, Jade Empire, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II. Retroplayer- Ginny, did…

Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk Interview

Gamasutra offers a hefty interview with BioWare heads Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk about their company’s history, philosophy, DLC, and specifically on Dragon Age II and Star Wars: The Old Republic. You’ve mentioned humility as one of the factors that…

Recycled Characters in BioWare Games

This is a regular criticism for BioWare titles, but it only seems to have occurred to this GamesRadar US recently, as Dragon Age II’s release spurred the creation of an article on similar characters across both Dragon Ages, both Mass Effects, Jade Empire…

A Winning Formula: The Common Thread of BioWare Games

Bright Hub briefly editorializes about the successful formula that BioWare tends to use in many of their titles, which they describe as including player choice, multiple endings, and a compelling story. A player whose character is trying to save the…

BioWare Still Considering a Jade Empire Sequel

Eurogamer has word from BioWare’s Mike Laidlaw that the company wouldn’t necessarily shy away from developing a sequel to Jade Empire, but that all of the appropriate criteria would have to come together for the franchise to make a return.…